Friday, May 27, 2016

Devil is in the details.

As I "troll" (move slowly through as in fishing) through the groups I belong to I am constantly reminded of some things that are my pet peeves of sorts. So let us begin.

Number on is a big one.  It is alt"A"r. It is NOT alt"E"r. The two words aren't even similes. Stop fucking typing the wrong word. It only makes you look more of a noob.

Next is the constant posting of "blessed be" this and that. I have asked how many actually know what it means and you would have thought I shot someones cat. It is not a greeting, or an way to answer a post. It is actually incomplete as well. There is a whole chant that goes with it.

Why is everyone an empath? Oh wait that is because we are fucking human beings and by default we are empathic. If you believe you can sense the emotions of others on a somewhat deep level then explore that and if it bothers you then stop it and even shield yourself from it. Take control of it, it is your ability after all. If you can only perceive the emotional state of another person then congratulations you are no more an empath then a granite stone is a quartz crystal. The ability to sense the emotions of another human been on a level deeper then just visually is not something that you really want to be doing or brag about. It can be tiring and a bother. After 20 years of being able to do it I have finally been able to not so much shield but allow it all to come in and filter it. I can still sense it but I acknowledge it and send it away.

Harm None, Law of 3 and fucking Karma.
No, No, and only if you are Hindu.

"Kind of new to this...", no you are not kind of new, you are are either new or not.

"I don't have a clue what I am doing but I want to do this complicated ritual and raise energies to cause a huge change in the natural order of things."

While this isn't a direct quote it does summarize what I have seen in so many posts in the groups on Facebook. People, mostly kids, posting that they want to do a spell or want a spell to cause this or that but have never so much as read a book or done anything else to learn about the craft.

Negative comment. Judgement comments. "You are attacking me!!!"

What the fuck? What is a negative comment and how the fuck do you make one? Judgement comments are a part of posting on Facebook. Just by commenting you are making a judgement on whether or not to post.

Attacking? JUST NO!!!

I am sure there will be more but this is just some of it.
