Road Trip Day One
Denver to Topeka
March 30th, 2024
I got up around 6am like I always do even on the weekends. Heated up some water for coffee. Checked in on Antonio who was getting a bit more sleep.
I was really excited for this trip. I have never been to the Kentucky destination and have never been on such a long trip with Antonio. I was looking forward to both for weeks when my mom asked if I wanted to make the trip to bring her car to her and my dad.
Antonio got up and after some coffee, we gathered our bags, packed them into the car, and headed out for what was to be an amazing road trip.
How to stay awake in the Plains.
Usually, when I am driving east of Denver on I-70 I tend to have issues with staying awake. Mostly because I have done it so many times and there is literally NOTHING out there that holds interest.
This trip was different. For one thing, I wasn't doing it alone like I had before. I had someone with me who I was fully engaged with and him, me. Antonio is all about books, so he made sure to have a couple with him that he was going to read on the road. I thought he was going to read them just to keep himself awake or from being bored. Nope. He wanted to read them aloud. I had never been on a trip where someone read a book aloud, live. I have, of course, listened to audiobooks. This was going to be very different.
He started with The Occult Anatomy of Man by Manly P. Hall.
From - "In this thought-provoking book, Manly P. Hall, the renowned founder of the Philosophical Research Society, takes you on a journey through the mystical and esoteric aspects of human existence."
I didn't know this book was going to be so good. Antonio would read a section and then we would talk about it and then he would read more.
The second book was The Hermetica by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy
From - "The first easily accessible translation of the esoteric writings that inspired some of the world's greatest artists, scientists, and philosophers. Here is an essential digest of the Greco-Egyptian writings attributed to the legendary sage-god Hermes Trismegistus (Greek for thrice-greatest Hermes), a combination of the Egyptian Thoth and the Greek Hermes."
Not a book you would think to be good for reading out loud on a road trip but you would be mistaken. Maybe was Antonio reading and I love to hear his voice but it was really a good choice to read. Very esoteric.
The final book was a novel. Masters' Counterpoints by Larry Townsend

From - "This suspenseful, gay erotic novel has all the elements. A series of crimes introduces therapist turned detective Bruce McCleod whose investigations lead him to a father-son S/M team whose activities may have crossed the line from kinky fun to deadly intentions."
This one was fun. Yes, it is erotic at times and it was interesting hearing Antonio reading those parts.
The books were read a chapter at a time and then he would switch between them. I never felt sleepy once.
There are two distinct parts to Kansas when driving across the state. Flat and boring to hills and interesting. The defining line is around Salina. From there to our first stop it was very different from what I was used to. The rolling hills started and there was more stuff to see on the side of the road. Including some signs promoting the Adult bookstores at different exits. No, we didn't stop. Some looked really sketchy.
We eventually made it to the hotel outside of Topeka, the Sleep Inn.
The Real Housewives of Topeka
Now this isn't really a thing, just a name I gave to a particular group of "ladies" Antonio and I encountered.
We had checked into the hotel and decided to check out the hot tub and pool to relax from the road. We found the pool and tub and also found the hot tub was being monopolized by 7 women, half of them just sitting on the edge drinking some kind of White Claw knockoff. There was also a gaggle of children splashing and jumping in the pool. Antonio and weren't deterred and we decided to just enjoy the pool. That is when we realized that we were getting the "stink-eye" from a couple of the "ladies" in the hot tub. We did our best to ignore them and even found it funny that they would be so haughty.
We did eventually get worn out with the pool and more kids showed up so we toweled off and headed back to the room.
End of the Day One
We got back to the room and decided to take a shower to rinse off the pool. The shower was massive and for the first time in our relationship, we showered together. Sorry, no details here, it is a family show after all.
After the amazing shower, I fell asleep very quickly, and Antonio shortly after.